Elizabeth Rubio

Graduate Research Assistant


Hello, Reader,
My name is Elizabeth and I am a PhD student at the University of Texas at Arlington. I am also a first generation US-born Salvadoran American who attended a public high school in Los Angeles County, CA, several community colleges there and eventually a public university in Humboldt County, CA. My academic journey was long and winding and I am so grateful and optimistic about where I am now.
My goal is to affect social change using mathematics. I look forward to working with others on all kinds of applications of math, especially in pursuit of social justice. In everything that we do, we are part of a community. In math terms, we could say that no one is an isolated point; there are other people in every epsilon-neighborhood around us even when we are too busy to look around and see them. Thus, math is collaborative and learning happens with our peers.
I have always been involved in community organizations and as a graduate student I aim to be part of organizations that support and empower students. I look forward seeing to what change I can affect with my everyday actions as well as my research.

Make it a beautiful day!
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